Thursday 26 May 2011

maybe for rift, meh

i might put this n a rift competition not sure.

Sunday 8 May 2011


Update, needs writing and stuff, still working on ostrich and char @_@ god help me!

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Blockouts & Hair start

I've done her shield, i only need to do her lance now for friday and hopefully the sword. My MAIN thing is the ostrich and concepts. I REALLY want them done for friday, or viewable atleast, i can always photoshop something if i need too just for these pic things. It's a shame i didnt get more time but it's pushed me more. I have blocked out simply just ideas for my work thatll go on the wall. I wanted mine to be different because i like my artistic side when displaying work. Hopefully this can be acheived. I'm working my ass off if you guys aint geussed -cry-. I am getting the most done now though so i can tweak everything and add in bits for next week. Trying my best to push my hardest cause i didnt get a chance to have my work up lastyear cause im a noob so really wanna show off, haha.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Back on track

ok i have got a lot done since i came home, i plan to progress this for tomorow too and ive started her shield. Want her hair done, face fixed around ears and her sword and lance done. I'm gona try my best, then spend some hours on my concepts. I worked my ass of since i got home, hers a quick render.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Ever wanted to pull your eyes out? XD

Hey again, long time no speak.

So with the whole week i've been ripping my hair out over the character. I keep deleting stuff, redoing stuff and then ended up ripping half the model to bits. Finally though i sorted out my problems. (i was close to saying i dont wanna do the course no more @_@ cause i got so stressed out and lost in thinking 'my work isn't good enough' ...emo moment much). I found out i had a stupid setting on in my max that bleached all my renders like crazy. Thats off now thankfully. I've managed to pull her texture together and had a few memory errors for the first time which isn't fun :(. I've managed to finish her diffuse, spec and normal map on her armour however i have encountered a few areas which could use some work. I will fix them areas now i know where they are. So yeh, tried my best, been stressed out over this whole thing though i just can't seem to get what i want with her and i want to achieve so much with her so i'm not happy with her right now but i'm starting to pull myself a little and let my imagination flow. I've just been worrying over a lot really. Maybe it's because i know i'd get laughed at if i showed this work to a professional haha. Anyway hope you guys like, plotted out some stuff. Managed to sort some work for Tuesday for myself why i have no graphics tablet and she looks cool with her ostrich so far which i'm glad about so i'm gona be working into that ostrich i started it's legs and i'm debating gold chrome looking stuff for it's legs.

¬_¬ im still not happy with it -_-'