Wednesday 27 January 2010


Im just messing around really, trying to see where i need to pull things on my uv layout. I need to sort the nose and mouth but they will never be perfect unless i just tweak them.

Anyway here are some quik screenies.

Monday 25 January 2010


Just some renders i did for my hand in work. The background is dark on one of them but i thought it worked really well and i have the original with a light background.

Excuse my lack of skills of base making, haha.

Drawing concept

I geuss it's complete now for people to take a look at. The story isn't that good but i had to make something up pretty much quik. I hope people like it anyway!

I used a mixed process of Photoshop and Corel Painter for this image. Some photomanipulation was involved in the drawing aswell to give more depth and realism.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Quik Planar maps!

Yep, quik planar maps to give me a insight on where my head is going haha. I think it came out pretty cool.

More Screenshots

Just some progress for you guys to look at. I've been getting really confused cause it keeps giving me dodgey poly readings. I deleted something and i went up by 2000 polys i mean...what the hell! haha anyway i have some cleaning up to do, need to check im not over the limit, i shouldn't be though.

Anyway here is it so far.

Friday 15 January 2010

Some Detail

So i added in a bit of detail now, it's getting somewhere i guess, it's not perfect however but i'm starting to work on her arms to get them out the way then finally i have to add in some buckles on her boots, some more straps and then she is done. I hope everyone likes it!

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Curves are not for the win anymore!

Well basically i like my character to a extent, to a extent of the fact i should have made her like her boots....blocky, it seems easier, however i am praising myself over the fact i'm modeling something genuinly curvy. I know it sounds silly, but it's so much harder to model curves on a character, especially trying to get them in the right place. Anyway i hope you guys like this so far, the raw thing is almost finshed then i can add in my accessories, enjoy guys and give me feedback, crit is nice, i need to add a small rubber heel to her boots so trying to figure out that at the moment, i need to model the ear on her head and fix her mouth (it's bugging me..she looks like the mask...where the heck did her cheekbones go haha) anyways here ya go!! (also be a bit gentle too :P )