Friday 5 November 2010

character Head - Hero

So I started modelling my characters head. So far it seems ok but It just doesn't seem to go to the standard I want yet. I'm debating a few things on it right now and I may have to come into college to find out from Dean where I could improve the model. I think the cheek areas need some sorting out it either looks to much or to flat i might have to look around at a little reference on this. Im also porbably leaving the top of her head. Nobody will ever see it due to her helmet so yeh poly saving for my scene. I'm still wandering whether maybe modeling the top of her head might be nice and then playing round it it in mud box. Who knows? I'll ask Deans advice. I did look at my first character model, good god, who let me hand that thing in? hahaha. The topology is not very neat and I've got some crazy things going on. The only thing that is good on the model is the nose. Anyhow, here is pics and comparison to how I have improved a little.


  1. i'm guessing the 1st pic was your 1st character and yeah youve definately got alot better topology in the latest. i wouldnt say the cheeks look bad at all, and dont forget the model your doing in max is your base mesh not your final model that will come with the normal maps baked out of mudbox

  2. Yeh i understand that and some of the loops will be took out in the end I'm just trying to achieve the base in a way.
