Thursday 31 March 2011

Unwrap almost done.

As the title says, just tweaking a few things here and there and adding a few extras to her to break up her shape in areas. The legs still need something. I'm debating actually adding some sort of reinforcment areas along her legs, arms ect. I was also thinking for the extras towards her belt having maybe some sort of ostrich egg that can act as maybe a bomb ect. Maybe have mechanical parts attached to it and what not (doable in mudbox easy and quick). It took me about a day to get most of her unwrapped. The room left is for gauntlets and some extra parts. There is a seperate sheet i started for the adons around her like the under cloth beneath the armour ect.

Now i had the evil guy taken from my hands it has freed up a lot of time for me. So i plan to push this character as far as i can. I keep thinking i can do better than this though but we shall wee. I need to still sort out where belts are going, i think i might model them because my character is meant to be really detailed i myswell go all out.

I have been researching more into armour and renders people have done as final peices. I have came across a few nice ideas and looking upon everyone elses work and ideas i came to a conclusion that i do really need something other than renders to show. I think i need to spend a bit of money and get something made out of one of my drawings or something but that can be what comes later on.

Got some quick screen grabs for you guys.

(oh and the side armour and some areas need some tweaking on the uv sheet but i'm just unwrapping it for now.)

Saturday 26 March 2011

Bad guy blueprint

I took what stas said into consideration and with my time i might not be able to shade it anyway so i have began the blueprint as a line drawing for now. Here is a image, the horns on his helmet are gona be bigger ect. Im blocking it out from my concept, i added in cloth to break up his shape a little and i thought it would be a nice touch with a rusted colour and semi transparent with alpha layers...almost like thick canvas. Wish i could have pushed it a bit more but i currently have a nasty headache, havn't added in the skulls ect yet.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Working into it ..

Carrying on working into it. Still nowhere near complete, constrained my colour pallete a lot more. I feel happier with the image now.

Close up

Thought i'd get the orginal scale just so you can see the face i blocked out, i'm going to be toning all these colours down in the final piece This is a block out of colour so far.

Tuesday 22 March 2011


Ahh, really stressed out with all the work and stuff. Making it hard for me to concentrate on everything because i'm worrying about 10 things at once. One of them being the armor, i still want it gold i did originally do it that way to follow with the old game joust and thats the whole point of this idea i don't want to recreate a character that just doesn't follow the old game i stated i would be recreating from the old 2d sprites not recreating the armor. I found it hard though to get my 3d model to look...'realistic' with bright golden armor and it's giving me a bloody headache.

I need some thinking on this anyway and i need to chill out a little but all the documents and dissertation are starting to pile up along with the rest of my work which sucks because it keeps making me feel like i should give up because im not the best writer in the world LOL. Got a lot of preasure with all this work, i can do it but i'm struggling to find myself motivated now i'm worrying over my dissertation again and it isn't a nice feeling when you want to push yourself with your talents and then have blocks in the way. It's a make or break thing and something i'm gona have to just try push through. I wish i didn't have the stress at the moment though because i really want to focus in the stuff i love doing and have a passion for and don't want to start neglecting it because im panicking and worrying over the time i have to do everything. Hopefully i can pull it together and keep pushing myself on and bringing my skills up more and more. I know i can do even better than this drawing, it still needs more work i'm thinking on the colour pallete too...sticking with around 3 colours and just shading really. I love the golden idea it takes away from the generic ....knight? you see everywhere with iron armour. I'm debating how i can pull this off well though. It's going to need time and i may need to get back in mudbox and scrap some of the ideas i already did...i think what i did seemed rushed in a way....any opinions, comments would be awesome.

Sunday 20 March 2011


I wanted to see what my character looked like with her head plonked on...haha.

Less moaning, more tweaking?

Small update to the legs i was doing, these are all just block out textures for now and will be worked into when i have the full thing complete.

Another dead end >_>

Come to another problem when i did the legs. After i imported all the normal map in i just think it looks over the top maybe? I'm not sure. Or it looks too....stuck on? I need something to break that sort of look up i think. So came up with a little plan, tomorow in class hopefully Dean can give me some opinions ect.

Saturday 19 March 2011


Starting of the texturing, been stressing because a few things turned out a bit naff. Can only move on right? I can already see a few problem areas that need tweaking but that will be last minute. I'm considering adding more detail into this when it's done as well to give a really beutifull final render for my portfolio.

Friday 18 March 2011

Ostrich Update

Dudu, had some issues with max error that caused it to do something to a group of verts. Managed to rid of them but lost my tracks and a bit confused around one area, could take some looking at really. But here it is so far.

Thursday 17 March 2011


-yawwwn- started to block out the shading, want him too look menacing XD

Bad guy concept

Any opinions great i made him more evil by exaggerating things a little more. I like the outcome so far, it's just a rough sketch for now much how i started the female jouster in the begining process. I realised i don't have a lot of time so trying to get as much done as i can at once @_@.

Mudbox = Failbox (sometimes)

Having trouble with mudbox giving me constant errors everytime i open it. Managed to get a solution and use older version. So i reimported my textures in from photoshop and am now blocking out all the colour ect within mudbox. Saved 2 versions so i can rework into the normal map later on and add more detail.


Still deciding on colours and what not. The original jousters had golden armour so i'm going to try and stick with those colours. My computer screen is a pain in the ass though it's hard to tell how the colours will come out on other screens :(. Had a play round with specular aswell.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Test Render

Thought before i get too carried away i will check out my normal map in max. I was extremely suprised how powerful a normal map can be. It's suprised me so much that i think my character could pull off that look without any armor, however, i'm not a cheat hahaha and i've already modeled the bloody armor now. This sort of normal map that come out well gives me future thoughts on any characters i model when i get out of university. I'm really happy with this result, i will work into it too.

Mudbox under body.

I unwrapped her full base body. Keeping it as a sheet on it's own then the armor will be it's own sheet. I did this to avoid mass amounts of clutter and the possibility of if it ever made it to a game different armors could be made for her to give some sort of player option.

It isn't complete, i haven't added the details in. I'm just blocking out for now.

Monday 14 March 2011

Almost there ish

Post some quick pics of the work i've been doing through trial and error, had a bit of a stress out again over silly things and wasted a bit of time but i'm getting back on track a little now. Will get the head up eventually, still unhappy with it's outcome.