Saturday 8 January 2011

Error = Nerd Rage!

After countless hours of being a noob as to realise my usb was ful due to a stupid texture fail in mudbox i finally managed to start getting back on track with my work. I was really frustrated due to the fact i kept getting errors and i was just loosing morale to do my work. Kinda sad really spending hours on something to get a error cause genuinly you are too noob sometimes :P Anyway here is some of the stuff i've done. I'm probably at around 65-70% completion. I've tried my best despite my old computer but the good news is that it was finally updated the otherday so i can finally work without epic lag.

Heres some pics of work so far. Btw ignore the top it looks like something of runescape i put that on my list today for doing up and making look better. The character head i did is almost done i got a bit annoyed with it but it's almost completed so thats the main thing. The only thing i'm lacking is the bloody helmet, hands and boots however i have started to model the boots and i will have them done asap.

The waist rea needs some photoshopping to blend with the legs better. The only thing genuinly bugging me as the belt at the back and the top so some tweaking will be involved at the end for those. My main priority is to try finish it. Heres a bunch of images for you guys ->


  1. Looks GREAT Lottie. Few problems here and there I can see but we can iron them out next week when I see you. Great progress and silly billy. You should always work from the hard drive at home and just use the USB as a back or place to travel work to and from home and college.

  2. Yeh i've got everything on my pc i just switch between my usb and computer all the time lmao :P i have a new external hardrive now anyway so ill have 3 backups :D Yeh some problems could do with a hand though.

  3. looks brilliant!
    glad to see that your still a noob at
    heart :p
