Friday 4 December 2009

Further Development

Well i did a few more sketches from my ideas on the small silhouette ideas that i had. I came up with these images. I really like the girl with the glass, bandanna and chunky boots holding her equipment. So anyway, i thought i myswell merge some of my ideas from this character into my older character design and change her in that way. I'm thinking of giving her some sort of backpack, i don't fancy doing what everyone else is doing though with the high tech stuff i'm thinking maybe she lives of things she finds so i was thinking more of a simple design bag, maybe a funky character on it to show a second side of her personality.

I've now decided to give her glasses as maybe a option to remove or keep them but i think my character would have a lot more about her if i kept the glasses on her, i'm giving her the headscalf also aswell hopefully.

Anyway heres some images, i retouched these up with some gray colour in Open Canvas (This is a program i purchased a while back before it all turned japanese on me -_-' it's like a quiker version of photoshop with better depth in the watercolour brush)


  1. i like the second page lottie the 1 with her leg bent up looks like she would kick some ass

  2. Yeh i liked her as well but she would be to simple, Dean said that and i think she would be to easy for me to model as well, i want to try and push myself with the best idea if i can, haha!
