Sunday 13 December 2009

Head Modelling

Argh! Thats all i can say, i'm enjoying it a lot actually but the problem is learning those loops. For now im getting what i can down, i'm going to be taking things out that aren't needed, fixing the nose area because it doesn't make sense and is giving my character a 3d mussy.

Anwyays i'm happy with it so far, i modeled the face to the blueprint ect, i keep adding my own small characterists in aswell just to show her character, more frowning ect, i will edit the blueprints aswell when it comes to texturing to match up with her face, i might be mix matching ect.

Also with the mouth, it's annoying me slightly, it's flat, her whole chin area is a bit dodgey but thats why i'm gona get some help with this as soon as possible.

Hope you guys like take note im modelling the back of the head aswell so don't worry about that odd shape and the mad stuff going on.


  1. Great work so far Lottie. The model looks really natural.

  2. Looking really nice Lottie. Very neat Loops. You have a very organic looking model.
