Friday 27 November 2009

Character Concept : Stage 2

Well i have come up with a simple concept now. I like it but i know i'm going to end up changing things so the final may look different to the initial sketch. I scanned in my image that i drew roughly in pencil and then got it on screen with my graphics tablet.

I've decided to sketch out the bits i want to keep in black, giving a rough thick line so far. It would be a cool lineart but i might refine it more it depends how strong i want to put the color on her. I'm changing her skin colour i think to a deep musky color i'm not sure yet though. She is half alien so i added rounded-pointed ears (if that makes sense) it helps her hear better, her eyesight is much more clear than the average human ect. Anyway i'll get these images up for you guys to look.

The alien head is painted in green because it's going to glow in the dark, (most likley with emissives).

1 comment:

  1. Looking good Lottie. But remember we still have time this week to refine things before we get stuck into modelling. Keep at it.
