Monday 1 March 2010

Character ...a bit late? :P

As it says, hope you guys like but i had loads of problems and stuff but i tried my best lol!


  1. she's got some good boobs lottie

  2. She is really good Lottie. You managed to get a lot done in a short time at the end and it paid off. She is ace.

  3. It was worth the wait! Great character, your texture work is second to none. What's really cool is how close she is to your concept. Although the face isn't as bad-ass style as the concept was, but still looks fab anyway. Not convinced on the colour of the head-piece thingy though. At first I thought it was skin.. Maybe make it a bit transparent?

  4. Yeh i was gona do that but my adobe kept breaking so i just thought...'argh' -close- haha :P it's meant to have a crack on the bottom of it just didn't get enough time to finish it :(.

  5. It's nothing major don't worry! It was only really from the top view that I noticed it anyway. Maybe just a quick alpha map once you get it into unreal will sort it out. Or - maybe a different colour specular? Like a shiny blue?

  6. WOW! This has the feel of the main game character in a title. The strong conceptual vision that you have has been realised and looks like what you intended from the start. What you nee do is improve your time management as you have the creativity and skills to achieve loads in the industry and other related industries. Pick up the pace again and keep surprising us. Excellent work Lottie. I am very proud of you.
