Monday 31 May 2010

Drawing Progress #1

Something i'm working on for my portfolio. Just a little something I've put a bit more time into this. So far i'm working on her legs ect a lot isn't done. I need to figure some things out but i'm enjoying the process of designing her so far.

Monday 3 May 2010

Completed Head

Right to let you all know aswell i havn't been in for a few personal problems & i have a chest infection been keeping everyone up in my road caughing my guts up all night but i will be sorted out soon hopefully & i have been doing work for you guys!

Well yeh here is the head as it says i havn't added the hair yet. I did actually try but he looked like a cute kitty girl when i was finished or someone dropped a bomb on the top of his head and it exploded lmao. But i geuss there will always be some sort of room for improvment and i am still a bit of a learner and i am trying my best to get better with what i do. I really have enjoyed working with you lot aswell your all really talented and we all seem to connect and get great things acheived together!

Anyway here is some pics, this is how far i am since we was told to do our writeup ect. I will definatly be carrying this on when we finish for Lucid Dreams & My own portfolio and i will progress by creating many more characters and hopefully acheive the things i really want most. It all comes down to practice and time manegment which i still need to get a grip of!

Rufus unwrap

Basically i have started to unwrap Rufus now and i have taken some screenies of it for you guys. I found it quik simple to unwrap him so far, i think i am actually starting to get used to doing the whole unwrapping thing now. It's something i always struggled on but spending time asking around people in the class i started to get used to it a little. I'm glad i am making progress with things like this because i actually need to try and learn things for myself now instead of depending on the tutor and everyone else telling me what to do.

Some stuff still needs to be unwrapped but i can get to work on that when we finish for our mod team and my own portfolio. I really hope i get this completed as i think it would be a great portfolio peice for myself and it's something i'm proud off especially when i had most of it done within a few days but you know Lottie she gets lazy after those few days (distracted more or less).

Rufus body

Well it is pretty much complete now, i havn't posted up on here for a while because i have been having a lot of internet trouble however thats fixed now. So i'm going to update everyone with the stuff i did but couldn't get up due to problems.

I have basically finished his body now, i didn't attach the claw yet because i wanted a few opinions on what people thought about the style of it and i was thinking of making several attachments to it so that the player (if it was multiplayer map it would be good if each player could upgrade there weapons at a stop point as they go along to grow bigger and stronger, maybe they collect gold along the way fighting off things and it goes towards getting parts for weapons).

Anyway hope you guys like this so far i will be posting up a few more pics in a minute this is just for my diary thing.