Monday 3 May 2010

Rufus unwrap

Basically i have started to unwrap Rufus now and i have taken some screenies of it for you guys. I found it quik simple to unwrap him so far, i think i am actually starting to get used to doing the whole unwrapping thing now. It's something i always struggled on but spending time asking around people in the class i started to get used to it a little. I'm glad i am making progress with things like this because i actually need to try and learn things for myself now instead of depending on the tutor and everyone else telling me what to do.

Some stuff still needs to be unwrapped but i can get to work on that when we finish for our mod team and my own portfolio. I really hope i get this completed as i think it would be a great portfolio peice for myself and it's something i'm proud off especially when i had most of it done within a few days but you know Lottie she gets lazy after those few days (distracted more or less).

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