Monday 31 May 2010

Drawing Progress #1

Something i'm working on for my portfolio. Just a little something I've put a bit more time into this. So far i'm working on her legs ect a lot isn't done. I need to figure some things out but i'm enjoying the process of designing her so far.


  1. Great progress. Will you be making a 3D model also? It would look awesome to show the full development from paper to 3D in your 'folio. Keep at it! :)

  2. Stunning as always Lottie.

  3. Yeh i'm gonna work at her after I've textured Rufus. Gonna get him done asap. I've just been lazy haha :P i only need to unwrap his arm and i can start him. I've been doing the gun Ashley made though so I'll get pics up asap.
