Monday 3 May 2010

Rufus body

Well it is pretty much complete now, i havn't posted up on here for a while because i have been having a lot of internet trouble however thats fixed now. So i'm going to update everyone with the stuff i did but couldn't get up due to problems.

I have basically finished his body now, i didn't attach the claw yet because i wanted a few opinions on what people thought about the style of it and i was thinking of making several attachments to it so that the player (if it was multiplayer map it would be good if each player could upgrade there weapons at a stop point as they go along to grow bigger and stronger, maybe they collect gold along the way fighting off things and it goes towards getting parts for weapons).

Anyway hope you guys like this so far i will be posting up a few more pics in a minute this is just for my diary thing.

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