Wednesday 20 October 2010

And snap went the bloody pen!

>.> yes my graphics pen decided to break however it's been sort of celotaped a little now for a quick fix and luckily a bloody good fix. Anyway i have done quite a bit of work however I keep seeming to restart things. It's like I keep thinking what I do isn't good enough so I am just going with these pieces I have done so far. they will be completed by the end of this week hopefully.

The first one is the female hero. I went for the auburn sort of hair like back in medieval Britain, It is a nice touch I reckon. Ignore the sleezy cross on the shield bit, it's just plonked there for now lol.

The second piece is the dark mount he is almost done and I have started the bird but he is half done at the moment. I'm worrying over colours a lot so you know shout at me if it seems a bit shit.

I am having a ramble now too because my bloody computer is too slow when drawing it's making my life hell I swear but you know I decided to make the files big....-cry-

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