Sunday 13 December 2009

Head Modelling

Argh! Thats all i can say, i'm enjoying it a lot actually but the problem is learning those loops. For now im getting what i can down, i'm going to be taking things out that aren't needed, fixing the nose area because it doesn't make sense and is giving my character a 3d mussy.

Anwyays i'm happy with it so far, i modeled the face to the blueprint ect, i keep adding my own small characterists in aswell just to show her character, more frowning ect, i will edit the blueprints aswell when it comes to texturing to match up with her face, i might be mix matching ect.

Also with the mouth, it's annoying me slightly, it's flat, her whole chin area is a bit dodgey but thats why i'm gona get some help with this as soon as possible.

Hope you guys like take note im modelling the back of the head aswell so don't worry about that odd shape and the mad stuff going on.

Friday 4 December 2009

Further Development

Well i did a few more sketches from my ideas on the small silhouette ideas that i had. I came up with these images. I really like the girl with the glass, bandanna and chunky boots holding her equipment. So anyway, i thought i myswell merge some of my ideas from this character into my older character design and change her in that way. I'm thinking of giving her some sort of backpack, i don't fancy doing what everyone else is doing though with the high tech stuff i'm thinking maybe she lives of things she finds so i was thinking more of a simple design bag, maybe a funky character on it to show a second side of her personality.

I've now decided to give her glasses as maybe a option to remove or keep them but i think my character would have a lot more about her if i kept the glasses on her, i'm giving her the headscalf also aswell hopefully.

Anyway heres some images, i retouched these up with some gray colour in Open Canvas (This is a program i purchased a while back before it all turned japanese on me -_-' it's like a quiker version of photoshop with better depth in the watercolour brush)

Friday 27 November 2009

Character Concept : Stage 2

Well i have come up with a simple concept now. I like it but i know i'm going to end up changing things so the final may look different to the initial sketch. I scanned in my image that i drew roughly in pencil and then got it on screen with my graphics tablet.

I've decided to sketch out the bits i want to keep in black, giving a rough thick line so far. It would be a cool lineart but i might refine it more it depends how strong i want to put the color on her. I'm changing her skin colour i think to a deep musky color i'm not sure yet though. She is half alien so i added rounded-pointed ears (if that makes sense) it helps her hear better, her eyesight is much more clear than the average human ect. Anyway i'll get these images up for you guys to look.

The alien head is painted in green because it's going to glow in the dark, (most likley with emissives).

Thursday 26 November 2009

Character Concept : Stage 1

Well i had a sort of vague idea of how i wanted my character however it has started to change now i have plotted out many ideas. I'm really interested in going all out, trying different things such as aliens, humans ect. I just want to explore as much as i can, i don't want to stick to the average bounty hunter, i want to really push myself and come up with a cool silhouette for my character that is recognizable by everyone.

So i started by plotting a few bad sketched out but then moved on, refining my ideas a bit. I let myself go ahead to much latley, i'm going to just be more layed back and plot things out more instead of jumping right in making a shoddy character with hardly any characteristics.

Here is what i have done so far. I'm working on a history after i've decided the race of my character, i'm thinking maybe making her half alien of some sort, to give her aditional skills and that could explain why she can use newer tactics not just guns.

Enjoy, i hope you guys like! (the first sheet is the alien sheet) excuse the qaulity they look so much better on paper and my marks began to run out last minute :(.

Thursday 19 November 2009

Unreal Level Screenshots

Haha someone want to shoot me now or later? I've just hardly been able to get into this. Not sure why i can't seem to get into it that much but i'm starting to pull things together now my Unreal started working. It decided to just give me errors everytime i tried to open a package. ._.

Anyway here are some screenshots, most of my stuff hasn't been put in yet it's all in Max at the moment i've just got round to things working out for me a bit better anyway so i should have most of them in by tonight.

Hope you guys like, it's nothing fancy, the tunnel needs a opening into the main prison building and it's going to lead into the gaurd tower at the bottom and possible hold a few pipes ect inside it. The main courtyard is going to have something in it, i'm also thinking of caving the rooth in on the main building but i'm not sure yet, my ideas are all spinning around my head, i keep making things hard for myself >_<.

Sunday 15 November 2009

Sketches Again

Well i thought i myswell get any ideas i get in my head down quikly so i decided to put up these characters. I like doing quicker sketches because it loosens my drawing up a bit and helps out, i usually do it after having a break from doing 3d work it seems to help out a little with my drawing skills when i don't get chance to do any drawing.

I hope you guys enjoy these sketches there will be more up soon when i get around to getting a chance to do moe drawing, hopefully soon as our character project is coming up soon which i can't wait for.

Wednesday 11 November 2009


I thought i'd carry out some little sketches to have a break from my work. I cae up with these two, i really like the guy he looks like he has good potential to be a bounty hunter for my next project i really like his outfit and would make a unique character.

I might work up on these if i get chance but for now i want to focus on trying to loosen up my skills i havn't drawn much in a while and need to get back into the habbit of creating new work and working on my characters bodies ect. It will all come in time hopefully! Hope you guys enjoy.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Character In Progress

Well i started making a character over the summer holidays. I admit i don't know much about it but it's what i hope to specialize in one day. So i just practiced a little i know things aren't probably right with this but it's better than not trying my best i guess. I'm thinking my imagination and understanding of the form of the body helped me pull this off but i still need to try and study the structure of the body more. I used reference to help me out modeling until i can draw out my own with accurate proportions.

It will be good to take a hour for my tutor to take a look at it for me to help me with problems and areas that need loops ect. I took a few renders of a body i was modeling, the stomach is the only but i'm happy with right now. The rest is terrible, well not bad but in my eyes it just doesn't look very good and i don't want to go to far incase i have modelled it wrong!

On the head i still need to fix around the mouth and the chin area, they seem to be letting the model down in my opinion.

Take a look at my renders though i hope you guys like them !

Drawings : In Progress

The scale goes from 4000px - 7000px so it would take a while to load them. So i made them smaller.

These works are all in progress i find that with doing 3d i sometimes don't get chance to finish them but i will be going back on these and editing them and coloring them. Some need morework than others. Especially the spear on the drawing i did because its blocky but i was planning to add more detail later on into the drawings to make them stand out more.

Starting my blog

Well i geuss this is going to be fun! So i decided it's best i get on here and get my work up. I'm not just going to post 3d work i will probably be posting up some of my ideas drawings ect.

I will most likley be making my own template for this blog soon aswell seems rather bland! That can wait though because i have work to be getting on with haha.
