Thursday 16 September 2010

Fresh Start: Planning

So we got the basic's given to us and thats it now it is all of our own backs. So I've thought about my idea and i like where it is going so far so it's a definite for me and I'm going to stick with it now and see what i can produce. My idea flows quite well there is enough room for change if need be such as mounts could become anything out my imagination but obviously I'm going to reel myself in a little at first and just list down basic animals and then work from that starting block.

So this week i think it's wise i just start getting anything out my head down on paper. I don't want to leave myself dawdling around there isn't any point so i am going to start sketching out crap. (literally lol). I want to just keep my ideas fluid even if it's scribble as long as I can actually see the sort of character I'm going to build up his attitude through stance and the weight from his weapon ect. I don't want a character standing up perfectly straight without any strain from his weapon it just looks to fake for my liking and it's something I have never thought on before but it could actually help bring my characters to life. Maybe I could be going to far here but I just think it's time to understand things a little better and why I have the chance now I think I am going to take it and push anything I can out of my head.

So basically, Joust, what do I think? Well first off Knights, horses, weapons all sorts pops up into my head. Now think about this, if I can take that lot and just manipulate it and make it more imaginative. Maybe it could go along the lines of armoured old guys with bin lids jousting with their walking sticks. Haha, joking but it's still a idea right? This is what I'm trying to do. I want to manipulate something without ruining the whole aspect or point.

Now the first thing I could do before drawing is actually looking around and researching a little into the game Joust and the obvious medieval jousting. This will give me a basic understanding. How will my character be? Will he be full of himself? Weary? You know all this stuff, battle scared? Rough looking? Long Hair? No hair? You know this stuff just gives me the basics for my character silhouette and thats the first aspect that drives my mind crazy and gets me going on creating and using my imagination.

I think the best thing to do is start a small brainstorm this week naming everything from my research and then I will start sketching out my first basic silhouette. Just body structure, no detail, maybe a bit of stance and character to them it's amazing what you can put on stuff like this. Even if it's the worst scribble in the world I know I can revamp it up to a digital piece worth looking at.

So my list of things to do this week are:

1 - Gather the basic research on the game & jousting (just the basics for now)
2 - Brainstorm my Ideas.
3 - Start basic sketching of Ideas. (Preferably a good wad of paper on this)
4 - Compare my ideas & mix and match (So take one drawing and another and mix together)

This is what I will be doing this week.

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