Thursday 23 September 2010

Research - Jousting & Armour

So yeh i also saved a few videos into my favourites. I thought you know...good ld jousting tournaments but it'd be cool to see actual decent impact and de-horsing. Sounds kinda mean of me but stuff like this shows the true nature of jousting. It isn't just all friendly. It helps me portray how my characters will be. Even if he's a good guy he's not gonna be a puff! So yeh I looked into some videos and I noticed how some jousters have extremely heavy weight armour which seems to restrict their movement a lot however some jousters seem to have a lot more freedom in their armour.

You know watching that video made me think OW! There is a little bit in it where the guy shows his arm. Even though he was fully armoured the lance completely smashed into his arm causing severe bruising. Seeing this video is making my mind fill with so many ideas. I know I am not recreating the game but you can just see the potential with modern day graphics how something could become a brilliant game that people would love (and relieve stress haha).

Now I found this other video It is extremely helpful towards my character design. He explains what armour is classed good enough for jousting in how he prefers to joust and the little bits and bobs that are needed under armour. Like he says I wouldn't fancy having my skin trapped in a steel plate. Owch! This is great information though towards creating my character I know how he should look and know what he should be wearing and then maybe I could take a twist on everything when i merge ideas together.

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