Wednesday 22 September 2010

Thumbnail Sketches

So I am beginning to do the thumbnail designs for my work. I did want to do this all free hand however because my time is limited to the end of this week I need to think on what will give me the best results in the quickest pace. I'm no perfect concept artist or a master or anything so i don't need perfect drawings or anything spectacular. As a striving character designer I want to show my basic ideas and to be honest I will be sticking with my guns. I don't want to try anything new this isn't the time or place for stressing myself out and spending to much time on a peice. It isn't worth it.

So I will be repeating this 'template' I have hand drawn and eventually I will be building up armour on the character. I think this template is fine for now if I had more time I would surely try to free hand the lot of them but I want the character finalised at the end of this week but this doesn't mean it will be rushed or anything. I find this way of doing a character simpler for myself and it usually turns out pretty decent.

So is this it? No, I'm going to do several character sheets for each character genre. (Evil & Good). Then it will be built up and finally I will come up with a nice character sheets at around week 6 then finally blueprints will be created so I can get ready for modelling each character.

Anyway back to what I'm doing. I will be putting this character template within photoshop and then copy & pasting it several times over a page. It will be then printed out and I can just let my imagination run wild and add armour ect to each little figure until I come out with something I like best.

So I'm going to get to work and hopefully have a few sheets of thumbnails up soon.


  1. small thumb nail sketches involved with silloette and dont get involved at this stage with anotomy. Do 10 to 20 on a page 5 mins aprox on each. Quantity of ideas, brain storming on paper.

  2. Got you, yeh my heads just been a bit blocked this week for ideas. Not sure what it is, need to chill out a bit. I might go into next week as well with my character concepts, around til weds and then work on the mounts.

    I understand about the silhouette stage the thing is when I do this it just looks a mess on the page but I could at least try and make a effort for this. I just find my minds a bit blocked.

    Thanks for posting some info for me! It'll help guide me a little better.
