Thursday 30 September 2010

Presentation comes first!

Sorry I haven't updated this place yet. I'm currently working on presenting some images which will hopefully be ready by tomorrow night. I wanted to get a tasted and use all this pre production to warm up my skills a little with drawing so I have decided I might make little colour experiments in my presented images. You know, it's just to see if I can get my shading, colours ect right for armour and what not. I still haven't decided on a hero yet but that will come during next week in my digital piece stage.

So this week I need to finish presenting my images. I need to start my dinosaur & whatever creatures I'm going to draw soon as well. I did give myself quite a bit of work to do but I'm enjoying it and that's the main thing.

So hopefully I may have a image ready to go up tonight for a taster of the work I'm doing at home.

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