Friday 24 September 2010

My scanner sucks lately. I didn't play with the settings much to show the pencil better. Anyway this is what i have created today. These are just the basic sketches or silhouette that I have come up with. I will be doing more tomorrow hopefully I made sure I finished four tonight and put down any ideas that came across my mind. I spent less than 5 minutes on most and took Stas's advice. I think I like this better than what I usually do. It just gives me so much more freedom than trapping myself to one figure throughout the drawing when I can recreate different poses for different sort of characters.

As you probably notice most of them look a little menacing so far but there is room for more as I am doing more work tomorrow to get next week booming with ideas. Now I did some research along the mounts so I have freed myself up around 2 days next week so I can do more character silhouettes and hopefully get a idea by the end of next week along with mounts.

So my drawings, well, I like a few of them so far. Some are not as strong as others but this is where improvement can be made. Taking more extraordinary bits from other thumbnails and merging them into another character. I seemed to have a lot of use of using skulls for armour. I think I am going dino crazy! But yeh I like the idea of a thick skull covering near the pauldrons maybe to give extra protection.

As you can also see the first image is much more detailed. This is just a sum up of the ideas i have so far. By no means does it mean I will be using him I just really bonded at the time with the idea and got a little carried away. I kept his helmet similar to the actual game helmet and had the idea of him having many feathers ect over him or what not.

So I worked hard today and will be continuing tomorrow I will post up my progress for you guys to see. It would be nice if people commented some feedback on what they like so far. (Or hate >.>)


  1. for your evil character i like the look of the guy on the 1st page to the right of the big 1.

    i still kinda think you should go away from the medieval knight look and do some kind of biker looking guy or "space biker knight" and give him a mount that is a flying bike that takes its shape from 1 of the original mounts from joust

  2. I know what you mean but thats your opinion I just personally can't see myself being comfortable modelling a bike with the time we have I have never done it before I don't want to put myself in a situation where I don't wanna finish it cause I'm getting stuck on it.

    The concepts your looking at are not all just medieval I've mixed half of them with prehistoric stuff and robotic bits it's just hard to tell because well their isn't enough detail.

    Your idea is cool though but it's something I can't see myself doing I've already gone down one path now so don't wanna completely change my course. I know what sort of idea you mean though like the space marine biker from warhammer or something. To me though I just think I should stick with the ideas I have come up with because I feel comfortable with what I have so far.
